Once You Complete Your Needs Assessment...

Take Your Next Step: TODAY

Congratulations, you took your first step because you are reading this blog! Now what?

Keep up the momentum. Most people have the hardest time taking the first step. Now that you have done that, I invite you to stay on your path. Find a way to keep the momentum. What helps you to continue on? For me, it is setting aside a specific time to complete something. If I don't have a deadline, I have a more difficult time completing a task. When that happens, sometimes I say that I will spend a small, but specific amount of time working on something. Once that time is up, I can stop. If I am on a roll (like I am with this blog), I will go beyond the time I scheduled. No matter what, a little at a time gets you to your goal. 

Keep going today and make a plan that works for you to continue with your momentum. I wish you great success in meeting the needs of your organization, and may you continue to meet and exceed your goals to serve others.
